Names First

A very informal list of first names, with some history, trivia, comments, opinions, etc., along with the obligatory origins and meanings. Comments, suggestions, and above all, corrections, are encouraged.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Daniel is of Hebrew origin and means "God is my judge." The Book of Daniel in the Old Testament tells the story of the prophet Daniel. The story of Daniel in the lion's den was a favorite in the Middle Ages, and children in the Middle Ages were named for Daniel, which lead to the the use of "Daniel" and "Daniels" as surnames.

Use of the name continued past the Middle Ages. Although not always at the very top in popularity, the name is always used enough to be considered familiar, if not common. Currently it is a top 10 name in the U.S., and has been so for some time.

One good reason for the name's continued popularity is its versatility; a child named Daniel can choose whether to be Daniel, Dan, or Danny. Both of the nicknames have been used as given names in their own right.

Famous Daniels have included author Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe,) and Daniel Boone.

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